Best quotes by Evan Williams on People

Checkout quotes by Evan Williams on People

  • The promoted tweet is a real tweet that a company may have sent out that they want more distribution for. They will buy key words for it. If people are looking for something related, it will show up.
    - Evan Williams
  • People want to do good things, they just need a prod sometimes, and what Twitter and other technologies that connect people are showing us is that if you make it a little easier for people then you will enable them to do what they want to do, to help people out, to form groups and do good.
    - Evan Williams
  • Traditional news is often full of mistakes, but I think that people are getting more sophisticated in knowing what to trust and what not to trust.
    - Evan Williams
  • In the best cases, Twitter makes people smarter and faster and more efficient.
    - Evan Williams
  • I think Twitter will be a fundamental part of how people interact with their government.
    - Evan Williams
  • I've always had a tendency to be much more optimistic about people than I should be. I'd like to be a little shrewder.
    - Evan Williams