Best quotes by Kevin O'Leary on Business

Checkout quotes by Kevin O'Leary on Business

  • Business is war. I go out there, I want to kill the competitors. I want to make their lives miserable. I want to steal their market share. I want them to fear me and I want everyone on my team thinking we're going to win.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • So much of life is a negotiation - so even if you're not in business, you have opportunities to practice all around you.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • We have to change public perception of ex-convicts. Most Canadians don't realize that when you come out of prison, you're a complete pariah. You can't get a car loan or money from a bank to start a business. So most end up back in prison within 24 months. It's just so wrong. We need to fix this problem.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • For whatever reason somebody can be convinced to buy a PC, it opens up a whole new market for all of us in the software business.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • All businesses require capital, management and labor, and business executives, wanting to grow and maintain profitable enterprises, have a strong incentive to keep costs, including labor, as low as possible.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • You can't regulate a soul into a business.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • I think a book is your calling card, your business card.
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • Nobody forces you to work at Wal-Mart. Start your own business! Sell something to Wal-Mart!
    - Kevin O'Leary
  • The only reason to do business is to make money; that's the only reason for doing business.
    - Kevin O'Leary