Best quotes by Wade Barrett on People

Checkout quotes by Wade Barrett on People

  • Most people can differentiate between the guy you see on TV and the real-life guy.
    - Wade Barrett
  • Many people don't realize just how dangerous professional wrestling actually is. People can get seriously injured and even paralyzed.
    - Wade Barrett
  • If you look back at people like The Rock there are times when earlier in his career he was doing heel stuff and he was so entertaining that people cheered for him. The natural thing to do was turn him babyface.
    - Wade Barrett
  • People never try to prove themselves against me unless they've had a few beers in them.
    - Wade Barrett
  • I was told by thousands of people I would never make it.
    - Wade Barrett
  • If you have the same guys at the top of the card all the time, people get bored of it. They don't want to see the same guys wrestling over and over again.
    - Wade Barrett