Best quotes by Amanda de Cadenet on Me

Checkout quotes by Amanda de Cadenet on Me

  • I have met people on the subway who have told me the most profound stories, and I am convinced we all have something to teach each other if we just slow down long enough to hear the message.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • When I was interviewing Hillary Clinton, I knew when I'd ask her something that she wasn't going to give me the complete truth because she would break eye contact with me.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • I've always known if anything killed me, it would be boys. From the time I was a teenager into my thirties, I loved only the ones who were bad news.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • Learning how to have 'healthy' attachments sounds easy, but in fact, for someone like me who had damaged early relationships, it's like learning to be fluent in Chinese.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • Spirituality is an anchor for me and guides me through life.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • I love photography - I fell in love with photography, I think, because it was my own thing, it wasn't something I needed other people's permission to do. So, it was really freeing for me actually to be able to not be a famous person and just to take pictures.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • No one understood why I would wanna be behind the camera, not in front of the camera, and so no one took me seriously, and people said, 'Oh, well, this is just a hobby isn't it?' and I said, 'No, I really love this. I wanna make this my career,' and I did not have a lot of support at all for many years. People just kind of thought it was a joke.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • If there was anyone primed to raise their kids feminist, it was me. My parents treated me no differently from my brother. I was raised to believe I was capable of doing anything I set my mind to.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • Despite the gender stereotypes in the '80s, my race-car-driving dad taught me that I could do whatever my brother could.
    - Amanda de Cadenet
  • From the ages of 12 to 35 my body, not my mind, was my primary currency. My ideas, my humor, my curiosity - none of those were valued as much as my body, which preceded me into almost every room.
    - Amanda de Cadenet