Best quotes by Vivek on Time

Checkout quotes by Vivek on Time

  • Comedians have to entertain the audience within a stipulated time. It is not possible to explain what we intend to convey in a detailed manner. This can only be done in films where comedians are the protagonists.
    - Vivek
  • I have been getting proposals to play the lead from a long time but I rebuffed those offers. I wanted to work in a storyline that has scope for me.
    - Vivek
  • I enact as a female in 'Guru En Aalu' for the first time.
    - Vivek
  • There is no feeling of regret spending time on the campaign. I think working closely with Kalam made me realise how simple he is in life.
    - Vivek
  • I regularly do yoga and believe it has been keeping me healthy physically and mentally since long time.
    - Vivek