Best quotes by Erika Jayne on Time

Checkout quotes by Erika Jayne on Time

  • When I say there's a little bit of Erika Jayne in everybody, what I mean by that is: No one is one way all the time. No one is buttoned up all the time and no one is wild all the time. There are different parts to your personality, different layers - and that's really what Erika Jayne is, another layer to a human being.
    - Erika Jayne
  • You create real friendships through a growth process. It's not just, oh hi, we're friends! That's very childlike. True adult friendships take time, understanding, and it's a plant that needs to be watered and tended to so that it blossoms.
    - Erika Jayne
  • I'm a showman. I believe that you're a character every time you put on clothes.
    - Erika Jayne
  • I don't think anyone should tap you on the shoulder and tell you that it's time to sit down and retire.
    - Erika Jayne
  • I think that I've enjoyed my time on 'Real Housewives.' It's been a great opportunity, and I've had a lot of fun and have been able to see a lot of great things and meet some really cool people.
    - Erika Jayne