Best quotes by Joe Morton on Black

Checkout quotes by Joe Morton on Black

  • I think it talks about the fact that there are black people in the world who have tremendous amount of talents and have no channel through which they can those talents.
    - Joe Morton
  • 'Black film,' unless it's lucky enough or creative enough, or timely enough to build a life of its own, hangs subjacent to 'white film' on Hollywood's financial score board... aided and abetted by the supposition that so-called black film has no foreign market.
    - Joe Morton
  • I was maybe one of two black kids in the drama department. It was, 'Well, you can't play this role because that guy has a white girlfriend or a white cousin or whatever.'
    - Joe Morton
  • In most science-fiction pictures, the black guy is either an engineer or a radio operator, and he is the first guy killed - gone from the movie.
    - Joe Morton
  • I want to put something on the screen that audiences have never seen black actors do before, roles that will widen views of who African-Americans are.
    - Joe Morton