Best quotes by Tyler Oakley on YouTube

Checkout quotes by Tyler Oakley on YouTube

  • When I first thought about leaving the traditional route of a 9-to-5 career to pursue full-time YouTube, it was terrifying - not many people were doing it. The thought was I have to have money saved up, because this very likely might fail. From the start, I had to give it my all for it to work.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • When I was first offered the book deal, I was like, 'I am not a writer. I haven't practiced this.' My approach has been completely stream-of-consciousness, and then edit down, because that's been YouTube for me forever.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • With everything that I've done with YouTube and podcasts for so many years, it's been: you can record it, edit, and then upload that day. With the book and documentary, it's been such a longer process.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • On YouTube, if anything, coming out as gay or bi or trans explodes someone's popularity.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • To me, what's really an important difference between traditional entertainment and digital - on YouTube specifically - is that people thrive when they're authentic about themselves.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • I definitely have aspirations outside of YouTube, but I think there's a lot of people on YouTube who want to leave YouTube. I don't want to leave; I love it.
    - Tyler Oakley
  • In creating my YouTube videos, I don't want to speak for my audience and the people I represent; I want to amplify their voices.
    - Tyler Oakley