Best quotes by Shane Black on Me

Checkout quotes by Shane Black on Me

  • I do think the challenge, in a way for me, is to write a narrative film and when you finish watching it you feel like it's a collage. You tell the narrative, you tell the story, but you feel like you've created this tapestry. But it also has a shape, a story.
    - Shane Black
  • For me, the stamp that I impose on stuff comes from the fact that in the '80s, when I was starting to write movies, I looked back to the '70s. So the films I enjoyed as a kid were the thrillers that came out of the '70s. Back then, you didn't have action movies; you had adventure films or thrillers.
    - Shane Black
  • I'll say, what makes me happy about making movies is, every once in a while through movies we find a kind of honesty. There's an honesty in fiction that's as effective or even more powerful than the honesty of our lives. We can find something that's genuinely true, like a chemistry between people or a statement that speaks to an audience.
    - Shane Black
  • I've turned down lots and lots of work. Things that could have made me some money.
    - Shane Black
  • What strikes me as memorable about 'Predator' was a lot of the decisions that were made so quickly turned out to be so iconic.
    - Shane Black