Best quotes by Tracy K. Smith on Me

Checkout quotes by Tracy K. Smith on Me

  • For me, a poem is an opportunity to kind of interrogate myself a little bit.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • When my father died, those years when he was working on the Hubble came back to me, and it seemed fitting to imagine him as having somehow merged with the large mystery that the universe represents.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • I think humans have always felt watched back by whatever is out there flickering in the distance. What excites me is what the imagination creates, not simply in explanation of what is there but also to explain or justify the feeling of awe and attachment that the heavens inspire.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • Losing my father made me want to find out if I could come up with a version of God or the afterlife that I could feel like was acceptable now that both my parents are in it.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • A poem gives me a chance to have an encounter with a feeling, with an experience, with a wish, with an idea.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • I know my curiosity as a writer and as a person makes me really interested in moving to parts of the country that I haven't explored through writers' festivals or through the kind of campus visits that I do on a regular basis and engaging with people who may be readers of poetry and may not.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • 'Little Women' made me into a reader.
    - Tracy K. Smith
  • I want to just go to places where writers don't usually go, where people like me don't usually show up, and say, 'Here are some poems. Do they speak to you? What do you hear in them?'
    - Tracy K. Smith