Best quotes by Kimbal Musk on Reality

Checkout quotes by Kimbal Musk on Reality

  • Memphis is a vibrant and diverse city that is on the verge of a Real Food renaissance. We are more than thrilled to be part of that movement by investing in the Crosstown and Shelby Farms Park developments.
    - Kimbal Musk
  • Twenty-first-century food is going to be real food. Real food is food that is truly nourishing for the consumer, the community, and the planet.
    - Kimbal Musk
  • We want our communities to know what real food is.
    - Kimbal Musk
  • We want kids in communities to know real food, and we want them to have a choice between real food and industrial food.
    - Kimbal Musk
  • My goal is to go from the industrial food system toward a real food system where you understand what you are eating.
    - Kimbal Musk
  • Newspapers have an extraordinary amount of local content, including real estate listings and restaurant reviews.
    - Kimbal Musk