Best quotes by Pamela Meyer on Lie

Checkout quotes by Pamela Meyer on Lie

  • Lying is a cooperative act. Think about it. A lie has no power whatsoever by its mere utterance. Its power emerges when someone else agrees to believe the lie.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • Truth-tellers who expect others to believe them tend to speak naturally and un-self-consciously. But if they don't expect to be believed, they may try too hard to seem honest. Unfortunately, the result makes them sound less believable. Obviously, then, not every oddly phrased statement is a lie.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • A liar often smiles subtly while telling a lie; it's an unconscious expression of his delight in getting away with a whopper.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • Politicians aren't special. They lie the same way we all do, revealing their true nature under pressure.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • Tell the lie over and over and over. It's an art that Trump understands well. There's no better evidence than his absolutely false claim that he opposed the Iraq War in 2002.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • We lie more to strangers than we lie to co-workers. Extroverts lie more than introverts. Men lie eight times more about themselves than they do other people. Women lie more to protect other people.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • If you're an average married couple, you're going to lie to your spouse in one out of every 10 interactions. Now, you may think that's bad. If you're unmarried, that number drops to three.
    - Pamela Meyer
  • Study after study shows that people are much less likely to lie to a person they consider to be honest.
    - Pamela Meyer