Best quotes by Tracey Emin on Life

Checkout quotes by Tracey Emin on Life

  • All the mistakes I've ever made in my life have been when I've been drunk. I haven't made hardly any mistakes sober, ever, ever.
    - Tracey Emin
  • All the mistakes I've ever made in my life have been when I've been drunk. I haven't made hardly any mistakes sober, ever, ever.
    - Tracey Emin
  • I've got over so much. Mum wouldn't want anything to come into my life that would make me fragile again.
    - Tracey Emin
  • I've got over so much. Mum wouldn't want anything to come into my life that would make me fragile again.
    - Tracey Emin
  • My mum has never wanted me to have children. She thinks I would be destroying my life, even now.
    - Tracey Emin
  • My mum has never wanted me to have children. She thinks I would be destroying my life, even now.
    - Tracey Emin
  • I want to spend my life with someone and do nice things and go on adventures, read books and have nice food and celebrate things. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in the bedroom like some people who just go to bed and never get out again.
    - Tracey Emin
  • One thing about an artist, it doesn't matter how much your work sells for in your life, it's going to sell for ten times more than that after you're dead, and that's what you have to protect.
    - Tracey Emin