Best quotes by Jesus Navas on Football

Checkout quotes by Jesus Navas on Football

  • I still speak with David Silva. We have a personal relationship, and we talk about personal things, but we've not got into football that much.
    - Jesus Navas
  • I like the way football is played in England: the speed, the style of play, the high rhythm.
    - Jesus Navas
  • Football is a team game, and I just want to function as part of the team.
    - Jesus Navas
  • I love playing football, and ultimately, that helped me get over my anxiety problems.
    - Jesus Navas
  • I can't remember what times I used to do in training because I always loved football and didn't have any interest in an athletics career. But I was always the quickest.
    - Jesus Navas
  • I don't need to speak with my colleagues in the national side to know what kind of player Messi is. He's one of the best players in the history of football and very difficult to stop.
    - Jesus Navas
  • The Premier League is a competition with very quick football.
    - Jesus Navas