Best quotes by Ash Sarkar on Health

Checkout quotes by Ash Sarkar on Health

  • I believe that nothing so arbitrary as money should be able to come between a person and the means of survival. And that's a really fancy way of saying that it doesn't matter if you're poor - you should have top-quality health care.
    - Ash Sarkar
  • As in health, so in crime - prevention is better than cure.
    - Ash Sarkar
  • Research has shown that the availability of mental health care prior, during, and after imprisonment reduces violent offending drastically.
    - Ash Sarkar
  • There shouldn't be a barrier between rich and poor in terms of the kind of health care that they can access.
    - Ash Sarkar
  • The launch of the National Health Service in 1948, one of the world's foremost examples of something being decommodified in the interest of the social good, was met with nothing less than horror by those with vested interests in the private provision of medicine.
    - Ash Sarkar