Best quotes by Tom Wolfe on People

Checkout quotes by Tom Wolfe on People

  • People complain about my exclamation points, but I honestly think that's the way people think. I don't think people think in essays; it's one exclamation point to another.
    - Tom Wolfe
  • I would vote for Bush if for no other reason than to be at the airport waving off all the people who say they are going to London if he wins again. Someone has got to stay behind.
    - Tom Wolfe
  • Most people don't read editorial pages. I think I must have been 40 before I even looked at an editorial page.
    - Tom Wolfe
  • In the 1930s, all the novelists had seemed to be people who came blazing up into stardom from out of total obscurity. That seemed to be the nature of the beast. The biographical notes on the dustjackets of the novels were terrific.
    - Tom Wolfe
  • My entire career, in fiction or nonfiction, I have reported and written about people who are not like me.
    - Tom Wolfe