Best quotes by Warren Spector on People

Checkout quotes by Warren Spector on People

  • The reason our games generate so much revenue is because we're stupid enough to charge $60 for a box or $50 for a download or something. You need used games because most people can't afford those prices.
    - Warren Spector
  • I gotta do what I think is right, and if enough people like it, I'm a winner. And if they don't, I'll open a bookstore.
    - Warren Spector
  • I'm a big believer in pushing things too far and forcing people to pull you back.
    - Warren Spector
  • As far as the timing, well, I'd write that off to luck as much as anything - I happened to be out looking for a development deal, and Disney happened to think my team and I might be the right people to make a Mickey Mouse game.
    - Warren Spector
  • Seriously, I don't know if people would really tell you this. But in my dream world, the people who work for you would say, 'Wow, I didn't know I could do that until I started working with that guy.'
    - Warren Spector
  • I've loved cartoons all along. Most people outgrow that when they hit 10 or 12, I guess, but I never did. I'm not sure why.
    - Warren Spector
  • Hey, if we didn't overcharge for our product - guess what - people wouldn't have to buy used games.
    - Warren Spector
  • Used games allow more people, specifically younger people, to become game fans because of the lower price point.
    - Warren Spector