Best quotes by Leslie Odom, Jr. on Life

Checkout quotes by Leslie Odom, Jr. on Life

  • I've been fortunate in my life. It hasn't been easy, but there has been a focus on the positive, and it has reverberated. Eventually, the outlook mirrors itself back to you in the friends you have, in the partner that you choose.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • People are coming to you at their most vulnerable; they're showing you the parts of themselves that they're afraid to show: the parts that they're not so sure about, not so secure in. And so it's a really holy profession I think, teaching. If you do it right, it can change somebody's life.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • It is said an artist spends their whole life trying to get to the place where their heart was first opened up. 'Rent' was that place for me.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • You go see a great production of 'Romeo and Juliet,' where those kids are full of life and love, you hope and forget.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • That was the bat signal for me - 'Rent' changed my life. It took me years before I got beyond that show.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • That was the bat signal for me - 'Rent' changed my life. It took me years before I got beyond that show.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.
  • I think it was, my parents got me a karaoke machine when I was about 9 years old. Even before that, they got me a tape recorder that I used to walk around my life with. And there was something about recording and then hearing myself back.
    - Leslie Odom, Jr.