Best quotes by Tom Tancredo on Culture

Checkout quotes by Tom Tancredo on Culture

  • Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.
    - Tom Tancredo
  • In our 21st-century celebrity culture, we seem to demand an all-or-nothing verdict on any departing figure of public stature.
    - Tom Tancredo
  • There is something deeply disturbing about a popular culture that will not forgive the sins of the Confederacy seven generations past but celebrates the teachings and legacies of Che Guevara, Mao Zhe-Dong, and Jeremy Wright.
    - Tom Tancredo
  • Welcome to the brave new world of American multiculturalism. From a nation of diverse peoples united by a common culture, we have become a people divided by a common malady.
    - Tom Tancredo
  • The mutating virus of multiculturalism has escaped its breeding ground in elite universities and is now running rampant across popular culture, entertainment, and politics.
    - Tom Tancredo