Best quotes by Ed Kowalczyk on Music

Checkout quotes by Ed Kowalczyk on Music

  • Music, in its clearest and simplest form, can be a catalyst to thought, but that's about it.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • We came from a small town where there was no music scene or no other bands, and we decided to put ours together and go for it.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • What I think shines through for us is that we have a real respect for the music and a real reverence.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • I was into all of the Pennsylvania teams at some point in my childhood. I would flip back and forth between the Pirates and the Phillies, and I was always a Steelers fan but not much of an Eagles fan. Then I became kind of a band nerd in school, and I went the music route.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • We've never been satisfied with just making 'me' music. What we're doing is trying to go to a place of some reverence.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • Music is a spiritual event and a means to realize freedom.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • Ever since we started, we've been trying to give people music that is pop music where you could just get into the melody and get into the performance of the band and be quite satisfied.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • I hit this point - I guess you'd say an end of a chapter - where I felt like I kind of did everything. I wasn't interested in music. It was a really strange feeling, and needless to say, it freaked me out a little bit. I really started to go inward and say, 'Hey, what is this about?'
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • We've never been a band that gets up on stage and says, 'OK, we're going to play our entire new album.' Of course we want to introduce new music, but we also want to play the songs people want to sing along with.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • I took a page out of the U2 book. They've always had a universal approach. Nobody doubts they're Christian, but there's an open door for everybody in any faith to consume the music at any level.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • To make music that means something, you kind of have to drop the cool. You have to be prepared and willing to be uncool.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • From the very beginning, we were all a hundred and ten percent about the music, from the very early days when we could barely play our instruments, and we were just covering other people's songs when we were in high school.
    - Ed Kowalczyk
  • It's always so rewarding, gratifying to me, as an artist and a writer, to see how this music gets more important for a lot of people as time goes by. And it's not just nostalgia. It's a feeling of it's really relevant to their lives, even though it's 20 or 25 years old or more.
    - Ed Kowalczyk