Best quotes by Campbell Scott on Movies

Checkout quotes by Campbell Scott on Movies

  • Most of us... are simply just trying to get through the day. And wait for those times in their life that are markers, that put things into relief. That's why we like movies and books so much.
    - Campbell Scott
  • I only made two studio movies, that was a long time ago and obviously I removed myself. I think some of that is geographical. I live in New York and I want to work there, it's as simple as that.
    - Campbell Scott
  • The fact is, it's hard to release movies.
    - Campbell Scott
  • I know it's good when I see a smaller film get recognized because it means more publicity for them. When you start producing and directing the movies become a little more like your children.
    - Campbell Scott
  • I make little movies, you know, they need all the help that they can get.
    - Campbell Scott
  • When you produce and direct, your movies are different to you. They're not just something you act in.
    - Campbell Scott
  • When you're young, you don't care about your parents and what they're doing. But then you get to your 20s, and you start watching their movies. And then you become an actor, as I did late in college, and then you're really watching them. And they were really very good.
    - Campbell Scott
  • Movies, I don't really get the bad guys. In theater, I get more bad guys. Both audiences and directors are more willing... to allow people to stretch. In movies, you do one thing, and then that's their reference.
    - Campbell Scott