Best quotes by Timothy Simons on Me

Checkout quotes by Timothy Simons on Me

  • Ultimately, I just made the decision to move to L.A. sight unseen. It took me a while to save up some money to do it.
    - Timothy Simons
  • I'll believe I made it when I'm 100 years old, I'm still able to get work, and they're about to put me in a coffin, and I'll be like, 'Yeah, OK, it went all right.' But until then, I'm not saying it.
    - Timothy Simons
  • I don't know, and certainly I've been guilty of making a judgment about a celebrity, but there's a part of me that's like, 'Why don't you take the time you're spending ripping James Franco and go do something you like?'
    - Timothy Simons
  • David Letterman was my guy growing up. My parents recorded the tenth anniversary special for me, and I watched it 40 times.
    - Timothy Simons
  • I took one class at Second City called Improv for Actors, and that was it, and that was only because my agent told me I had to.
    - Timothy Simons
  • There is a part of me that really just thinks it would be so funny to see the 'Veep' characters in 'Game of Thrones.'
    - Timothy Simons