Best quotes by Carlos Beruff on People

Checkout quotes by Carlos Beruff on People

  • If we don't send people to Washington who, first of all, have done something more than talk for a living - which is what many politicians have done - nothing gets done.
    - Carlos Beruff
  • I just think people are fed up with people who are career politicians who don't stand for anything.
    - Carlos Beruff
  • There is only one Donald Trump, as we know. But there are aspects of where he's coming from that I understand, which is business people that have built and actually created jobs in this country.
    - Carlos Beruff
  • People should not be paid to go to Washington and not do their job. When they don't show up, why should we pay them?
    - Carlos Beruff
  • I brought attention to the fact that people need to be more involved in politics and not just let the establishment continue to control politics.
    - Carlos Beruff
  • There is only one Donald Trump, but people make comparisons because I'm blunt.
    - Carlos Beruff