Best quotes by Timothy F. Cahill on Football

Checkout quotes by Timothy F. Cahill on Football

  • I remember cleaning boots at Millwall on £250 a week and feeling like a millionaire. I'd made it then. At that time, if I never played for another club it wouldn't have bothered me too much because I'd made it with a football team in England.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • With such a huge fan base, Indian football has a good foundation, and my aim is to become an ambassador of the sport and fly the flag on the international stage for the Indian fans.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • I'm a very traditional person. The tattoos are about my grandmother dying and they tell the story about my mother and father, my brothers and my sister, my kids. It's pretty much a family tree on my arm with my life in football too.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • Every time I score the passion comes out and I try to relay that back to the fans and to the players and the staff how grateful I am to be playing for such a good football club. The fans have taken well to me. I am part of the furniture at Everton, but I don't take it for granted.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • All I do is play football, eat, sleep, play with my kids, play football.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • It's a massive compliment to me to be known in Asia because Asia is the way forward in football, along with the Middle East. I believe that strongly.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • I want to help grow the game in India and encourage young kids to play football.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • India should go at their own pace and not compete with anyone. They have a league system in place and a huge fan base, but the thing they need the most is a good structure. They need to create a good footprint for football in the future because they have the numbers, but they need to improve the quality of the game.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • The tattoos are about my grandmother dying, and they tell the story about my mother and father, my brothers and my sister, my kids. It's pretty much a family tree on my arm with my life in football, too.
    - Timothy F. Cahill
  • Millwall is where I learnt my trade, and it was the most important learning period of my life - my apprenticeship in understanding football.
    - Timothy F. Cahill