Best quotes by Tomi Adeyemi on Black

Checkout quotes by Tomi Adeyemi on Black

  • My freshman year of college, 'The Hunger Games' movie adaptation came out, and I was really excited about it. This was maybe 2011. I loved it, but there was a lot of hateful backlash against the black characters in the film.
    - Tomi Adeyemi
  • 'Children of Blood and Bone' is basically 'Black Panther' with magic.
    - Tomi Adeyemi
  • Part of the reason everyone is freaking out over 'Black Panther' is because we've never seen it. We have two thousand years of stories, and we've never seen it.
    - Tomi Adeyemi
  • I had a lot of different reasons for writing the book, but at its core was the desire to write for black teenage girls growing up reading books they were absent from. That was my experience as a child. 'Children of Blood and Bone' is a chance to address that. To say you are seen.
    - Tomi Adeyemi
  • In my perfect world, we'd have one black girl fantasy book every month. We need them, and we need fantasy stories about black boys as well.
    - Tomi Adeyemi
  • For readers of color, and especially black readers, black girls, I just want them to feel seen. And not just seen - I want them to feel epic and know that they are epic.
    - Tomi Adeyemi