Best quotes by Jack Monroe on Food

Checkout quotes by Jack Monroe on Food

  • Food is such a basic need, a fundamental right, and such a simple pleasure.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I'm doing my bit to encourage people to try vegan by making vegan food affordable and accessible and absolutely delicious.
    - Jack Monroe
  • Food poverty comes in two strands. The first is not having enough money to buy food for yourself and your family. The second is poverty of education.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I was a young mother with a dependent. I went from nice flat and fire service job to cold and hungry with a child. I lived rough for two years, with six months relying on the food bank.
    - Jack Monroe
  • My parents tended to cook big batch food because there was always the possibility that other children would turn up with their carrier bag and shoes and we had to gently bring them out of their shells.
    - Jack Monroe
  • When I was at my lowest point I had a lot of help from charities, food banks, to see me through so it is nice to start to give something back.
    - Jack Monroe
  • Tinned food can be cheaper than buying fresh stuff. Things like tinned carrots, tinned potatoes, mushy peas make a good base for a soup.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I'm publicist, patron of nine charities, creative director, food consultant, recipe developer - and mum.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I think I'll be around as long as there is a market for simple, basic, non-intimidating food.
    - Jack Monroe
  • My politics are food-related - food banks, the living wage, zero hour contracts - and my food is political.
    - Jack Monroe
  • All kids are fussy eaters - they go through phases where they'll only eat red food or they just want to eat porridge. With fussy kids, the best thing to do is use what they do like and work around it.
    - Jack Monroe
  • After you've cut back everything else, food is the last to go. I didn't mind putting an extra jumper on if I had food in the fridge. It was the point where I had an extra jumper on and no food in the fridge that I realised things had gone badly wrong.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I know that I can cook well on a low budget so I can't really justify spending a fortune on food.
    - Jack Monroe
  • I look back and nearly all of my early jobs were in food.
    - Jack Monroe
  • There's all kinds of research that shows children operate best if they start the day with some proper food inside them - it's a no-brainer.
    - Jack Monroe