Best quotes by Tim Cook on People

Checkout quotes by Tim Cook on People

  • People should have values, so by extension, a company should. And one of the things you do is give back. So how do you give back? We give back through our work in the environment, in running the company on renewable energy. We give back in job creation.
    - Tim Cook
  • That has always been the objective of Apple: to do things that really enrich people's lives. That you look back on and you wonder, 'How did I live without this?'
    - Tim Cook
  • You have to find the intersection of doing something you're passionate about and that, at the same time, is in the service of other people. I would argue if you don't find that intersection, you're not going to be very happy.
    - Tim Cook
  • I think two people with strong points of view can appreciate each other even more.
    - Tim Cook
  • The pre-owned market allows us to reach customers who really want an Apple device but can't really reach that point. I think it is great for people, or otherwise, we wouldn't we doing it. If we were not proud of the product, we wouldn't be doing it.
    - Tim Cook
  • We generally acquire a company every three to four weeks on average. And so it's a rare month that there's not a company being bought. We typically buy for technology and really great people.
    - Tim Cook
  • Our values are that we do think that people have a right to privacy. And that our customers are not our products.
    - Tim Cook