Best quotes by Tia Carrere on Me

Checkout quotes by Tia Carrere on Me

  • When I first met my agent, I said, If something comes up and it fits my age range and personality, I would like you to send me up for it, even if it specifies blonde or brunette.
    - Tia Carrere
  • The kids all knew me from Wayne's World. The grown-ups knew me after True Lies.
    - Tia Carrere
  • I play a female Indiana Jones, a professor who hunts down precious objects, like a bowl that belonged to the Buddha. They tailored the role to me: I wanted to be smart, funny, and to kick some ass.
    - Tia Carrere
  • People want me to do the strangest things. They want me to sign their arms or chests.
    - Tia Carrere
  • I can't stand when people say, 'Don't hate me because I'm beautiful'. OK, how about I hate you because you said that.
    - Tia Carrere
  • The reporter claimed he was going to write the article from my point of view. Instead, he made me sound like a little idiot. It made me never want to do another interview again.
    - Tia Carrere