Best quotes by Jessica St. Clair on Me

Checkout quotes by Jessica St. Clair on Me

  • For Lennon and me, we grew up with Laverne and Shirley or Lucy and Ethel. For us, those are our inspirations. And I think Amy Poehler and Tina Fey led the way for us to be fearless in the way we kept shoving our message and our comedy voice down people's throats until they listened.
    - Jessica St. Clair
  • I was bored by going to Mommy and Me, and I certainly didn't want to write about it.
    - Jessica St. Clair
  • I was so flat-chested in high school that I thought I'd better be funny if guys were going to like me.
    - Jessica St. Clair
  • I can't watch most movies because they scare me too much.
    - Jessica St. Clair
  • If I texted somebody that I was having a down day, in seconds I would have somebody either call me or show up at my door.
    - Jessica St. Clair
  • The truth is that when Lennon is Bosephus, she is so mean to me. She can't smile because the mustache will come off. So in between takes, it's just scowling. And then when we are on camera, Bosephus treats me like a piece of meat. I'm repulsed and also attracted to it.
    - Jessica St. Clair