Best quotes by Maurizio Cattelan on Work

Checkout quotes by Maurizio Cattelan on Work

  • Every morning, we choose between milk or tea or coffee. Usually, I know what I like, but I don't rule out changing my idea sometimes. The editing process is one of the most important parts in everyday life. The same is with my work: mistakes are part of the decision-making process.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I would describe myself as a tallish, shy, middle-aged man who equally loves his work and his freedom. And a good liar!
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Art should be able to be innovative without compromising itself. That's why I believe artists should have bigger preoccupations than checking the price tags on their work or becoming curators' darlings.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • It's even more of a torture not to work than to work.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • It's not my job to tell people what a work means.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Every work of art is a great promise of escape and, therefore, like an open invitation.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Art fairs are a lot like professional proms - you make contacts, have a lot to look at, and in some cases, you make friends forever. I think that for artists, they can be a bit controversial: they stimulate curiosity, but at the same time, you're always trying to not have your work hung on a wall.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I like to produce work for specific places, and it is difficult to do repeat shows in the same space.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I produce so little that the works have to be editioned. Otherwise, I don't survive. Also, editioning is relevant for communication. If you make three new works, it means that nine objects are available. Three people talking about your work is fine, but nine makes a difference.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I work more with my stomach than my brain.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Work was always necessary to survive. Then I decided the goal should be to survive without working. But now I have much more work than I had before. Hunting for freedom, I've found the real prison. but at least it's a prison I've chosen for myself.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • You don't wanna see your work, because you might find out that you do not like it.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Provocations are like a Molotov cocktail. They only work one time out of ten, but when it works, it can also be dangerous for the arm that is throwing it. It's the price that has to be paid.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I won't say I'm not fascinated by the way advertising works. I like the sleekness. But a picture in advertising doesn't last too long. They have to work for 30 seconds. And I'd like to reach at least two minutes. This is my goal: to break that two-minute record.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • I never talk about my work as a joke.
    - Maurizio Cattelan
  • Made in Catteland is a project that aims to overcome the boundaries of the work of art as we're used to thinking of it: exploring new possibilities of reaching the audience through the creation of new forms of art.
    - Maurizio Cattelan