Best quotes by Brendon Burchard on Life

Checkout quotes by Brendon Burchard on Life

  • We all have a life story and a message that can inspire others to live a better life or run a better business. Why not use that story and message to serve others and grow a real business doing it?
    - Brendon Burchard
  • Everybody says, 'I want to change,' but they're not willing to pay the price of it. That was the metaphor of 'Life's Golden Ticket'... Life is some kind of a ride, and if you want that ride to be exhilarating and amazing, you've got to pay to get in. And the price is a willingness to change above and beyond what most people will do.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • To inspire a singularity of focus, a challenge must be important to you and it must be something you feel you should do now in this moment. If it's trivial or not time-bound, you won't engage. So in selecting your next challenge in life, choose one that is meaningful and will demand your complete concentration.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • My dad lived a good life. He was a simple guy. His family had been poor, and he joined the Marines to be able to send money home to his mom and dad and brothers and sisters. He genuinely had the intention to live a good life and to respect other people.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • In your life, where are you not making mistakes? Sometimes if there's no mess, there's no change happening.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • Meditation is a lifelong process. Give it a try. As you get deeper and more disciplined into the process, you'll get deeper and more disciplined in your mind and life.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • My best mentor is a mechanic - and he never left the sixth grade. By any competency measure, he doesn't have it. But the perspective he brings to me and my life is, bar none, the most helpful.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • Have you ever played a video game that didn't have escalating levels of difficulty? Well, life can feel like play, too, when we purposefully engage in activities that demand we test and develop our skills.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • Figure out what questions you'd ask to see if you were happy with your life. Then wake up every day and live intentionally, so you're happy with the answers at the end.
    - Brendon Burchard
  • At 19, you're not really thinking about the habits you have. I wasn't. Maybe your study habits? But not your life habits.
    - Brendon Burchard