Best quotes by Tee Grizzley on Life

Checkout quotes by Tee Grizzley on Life

  • In chess, you gotta come up with a strategy. I made a lot of plans in my life. 'I'ma do this, I'ma do that, this is gonna happen, that's gonna happen.' And a lot of stuff don't go as planned. You really gotta act on events as they unfold. That's how I compare chess to life.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • In chess, you gotta come up with a strategy. I made a lot of plans in my life. 'I'ma do this, I'ma do that, this is gonna happen, that's gonna happen.' And a lot of stuff don't go as planned. You really gotta act on events as they unfold. That's how I compare chess to life.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • It's kind of hard to tell your life story and state all facts and it still be sweet.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • I'm experiencing a lot of new things in life - cars, houses, jewelry - and getting the family situated. I've been dealing with fake friends, though, like a lot of people trying to come around. There are pros and cons to this fame thing.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • I think my genre is more 'reality rap'; I talk about my life and the struggles that I've been through.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • I think my genre is more 'reality rap'; I talk about my life and the struggles that I've been through.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • When people hear my music, they ain't really hearing about no shiny stuff, the glamorous life. They're going to hear that gritty, slum.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • First Day Out' just took off under our noses. I was shocked. I was happy. I can't even explain the feeling. It's something I always wanted my whole life.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • My whole life I saw everybody else get shine, I saw everybody else get money, everybody else wanted to rap. I saw them getting record deals and stuff like that. And everytime I saw that it was damn, I can't wait until my time.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • I've had a lot of big impacts before the music as far as deaths and tragedies and experiences in my life.
    - Tee Grizzley
  • I've had a lot of big impacts before the music as far as deaths and tragedies and experiences in my life.
    - Tee Grizzley