Best quotes by Noah Baumbach on Life

Checkout quotes by Noah Baumbach on Life

  • It's kind of major, learning to drive. I feel like it kicked up other stuff in my life.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • I'm interested in the way major events don't necessarily announce themselves as major events. They're often little things - the drip, drip of life that changes people or affects people.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • I've had times in my life when I really haven't been able to figure myself out.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • I've had times in my life when I really haven't been able to figure myself out.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • To this day, I have people I might meet who will make assumptions about my life based on fictional elements of 'The Squid And The Whale.' But I think that's par for the course if you make something that feels kind of real.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • To this day, I have people I might meet who will make assumptions about my life based on fictional elements of 'The Squid And The Whale.' But I think that's par for the course if you make something that feels kind of real.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • I'm curious how people build up the codes that they live their life by, and how they come to think that that's the best way for them to function.
    - Noah Baumbach
  • I do like having books on my shelves. I do value that life.
    - Noah Baumbach