Best quotes by Ted DiBiase Sr. on Man

Checkout quotes by Ted DiBiase Sr. on Man

  • I was fortunate. I probably could have saved more money, too. But, it's like, even though I'm not really the Million Dollar Man, I have a retirement account, I saved some money, and I did some right things.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • The Million Dollar Man thought he could buy anybody or anything and that was the essence of the character. About as evil as you can get!
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • By the time Vince McMahon called upon me to become this character, the Million Dollar Man, I had already been wrestling for 12 years.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • The Million Dollar Man the character is actually a Vince McMahon original. It was presented to me and Vince kind of started laying it out.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't stay too long. I would get out at the top of my career and not be one of those guys who's body had started to go away and sag and look like and old man trying to still make a living.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • I don't think Vince McMahon is evil or the devil. I think he's a very shrewd business man.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.