Best quotes by Tan France on Me

Checkout quotes by Tan France on Me

  • I hadn't seen any people like me on TV before, and I definitely didn't want to be the first one. I didn't want that responsibility on my head.
    - Tan France
  • I would have to say Kelly Clarkson's 'Because of You' would be the song I would associate with coming out. It's really emotive, and personally, it reminds me of my father.
    - Tan France
  • I was terrified of being on camera. I was worried that whatever I would say, people would assume I'm speaking for every Muslim, every Pakistani, or every Middle Eastern person. That's a lot of pressure. But it also got me excited about what could be done, because I am a representative for people who are underrepresented.
    - Tan France
  • I think that people assume when they meet me that I'm going to judge what they're wearing.
    - Tan France
  • Gay men can sometimes feel ashamed or chastised when the messaging is 'Be out and proud!' or 'Just come out.' It's not that easy. It certainly wasn't for me.
    - Tan France
  • For me, I don't go, 'Let me walk into this person's home. I don't care who they are, I'm going to put them in a Dolce & Gabbana suit, and I really want them to have a pink shirt.'
    - Tan France