Best quotes by Arjen Robben on Football

Checkout quotes by Arjen Robben on Football

  • If you want to play dominant football, you need to get the ball, think fast, and play quick combinations in small spaces.
    - Arjen Robben
  • The best thing about football, and sport in general, is that if you suffer a big disappointment, then there is no better feeling than coming back the following year and doing well.
    - Arjen Robben
  • Messi is in a different world. He is the best player in world football, without any doubt.
    - Arjen Robben
  • I want to try to have fun as long as I can and play football at a high level. I do not know how long that will go on.
    - Arjen Robben
  • If you're at school, children who play football, you give everything to win... If you don't succeed, that's a huge disappointment. Then it's okay to be sad, but better times are coming.
    - Arjen Robben
  • Every league has its own culture, its own identity, and its own type of football. It's very physical in England, but technical skill comes to the fore in Spain, where everybody wants to play beautiful football. The standards are very high in Germany, too; the teams are physically strong, very disciplined, and very well organised.
    - Arjen Robben
  • I've been playing football for a while, but Guardiola really made me a better player. I was 29 when I started working with him, so I wasn't very young, but if you see the steps I made thanks to him, it shows you what he is capable of doing. Guardiola didn't just put me on the flanks but in other positions as well.
    - Arjen Robben
  • What I will miss the most about Guardiola? His obsession with the game and his knowledge, which makes you a better football player.
    - Arjen Robben
  • The football in Spain is more about skill and technique. Every team tries to play good football. The physical side, with plenty of running and hard tackling, plays more of a role in the Bundesliga.
    - Arjen Robben
  • I'm always a realist, and I know the world of football is fast-moving.
    - Arjen Robben