Best quotes by Cenk Uygur on People

Checkout quotes by Cenk Uygur on People

  • The whole country doesn't like politicians, and young people like them even less.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • Whenever people in Washington complain about spending cuts, they mean spending cuts that would affect defense contractors. They want to massively increase spending cuts everywhere else in the budget.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • It is fascinating. No matter where I go, people recognize me.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • Because Bernie is going to bring in progressives and not lobbyists and people who are pro-corporate... for the establishment of the Democratic party, Bernie Sanders was more dangerous than Donald Trump.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • I know that a lot of people love to say that polls are wrong or don't matter, and from time to time they are - it depends on who they are polling.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • The reason people like the Young Turks is because we say things you're not allowed to say in Washington that are obviously true.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • I hire a lot of hosts, reporters, producers, and I hire people who care about the news.
    - Cenk Uygur
  • I think 'progressive' is different than 'liberal' - I know a lot of people use them interchangeably - but I think I'm far more progressive than I am liberal.
    - Cenk Uygur