Best quotes by Sydney Sweeney on Amazing

Checkout quotes by Sydney Sweeney on Amazing

  • Working with Amy Adams was amazing. I've always looked up to her as an actor and as a role model, so being able to be on set with her was completely beyond anything I could ever imagine.
    - Sydney Sweeney
  • I've been able to work on shows with amazing role models, amazing actors, incredible female filmmakers.
    - Sydney Sweeney
  • I love 'Gone Girl,' so bringing 'Sharp Objects' to life, that was amazing.
    - Sydney Sweeney
  • I'm never in the same place for too long, and you make the most amazing friends on one set, and then you go to another, and you start all over again, and it's lonely sometimes.
    - Sydney Sweeney
  • Amy Adams is incredible and inspiring - she's amazing.
    - Sydney Sweeney