Best quotes by Demetrious Johnson on Fight

Checkout quotes by Demetrious Johnson on Fight

  • I'd rather have head stomps and kicks to the head on the ground rather than elbows because I think to kick someone in the head while they're laying on their back is very hard. Elbows are easy. You can be here, and I just cut you and won the fight.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • All I can do is make sure Demetrious Johnson does the best he can on fight night and goes out and wins his fights.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I'm never going to turn down a fight.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • Look at my track record for showing up to fights. Look at my track record of finishing fights. Look at my track record of getting fight night bonuses. Ask yourself if you think that if the UFC decided to truly put marketing dollars behind me that they couldn't sell me or my fights.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I think the only person who will ever lose in a fight and still end up making a million dollars is Conor McGregor - that's just because of how his contract is structured or whatever.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I'm not going to go out there and have these slugfests, but I'll go out there and dominate my opponent. That's what I do in my fight.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I want the whole world to watch me fight. But you know if people are just tuning in to hear me trash talk are not fight fans.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I saw Bobby Green and Lando Vannata, and everybody in the back was like, 'Oh, man, that's a sick fight!' And I'm like, 'Dude, look at his face, that cannot be good for his brain.' I'm just honest.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I never cared who I was going to fight because, at the end of the day, it makes no difference.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • I focus on staying healthy, going to the gym, and I go out there and fight.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • There are things - I want to compete in a big tournament, like an eight-man tournament, like the old fighters. You're going to compete; you're going to fight this one and this one.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • Honestly, I would love to fight Henry Cejudo. You've got that gold medalist in the Olympics, I would love to test myself against that.
    - Demetrious Johnson
  • If you want to see great mixed martial arts, tune in when I fight. If you want to see drama and all of that stuff, you guys can go watch 'Bachelors in Paradise.' They'll give you enough drama you can want to watch.
    - Demetrious Johnson