Best quotes by Claire Foy on Queen

Checkout quotes by Claire Foy on Queen

  • There is no first-hand account of what the Queen was saying or thinking, so my job as an actor is to interpret her circumstances.
    - Claire Foy
  • I thought she was just the Queen and he was Prince Philip, and that was just who they were, without thinking about them as a mother or a father or daughter.
    - Claire Foy
  • The Queen has stayed with me in the sense that she lets people come to her. She doesn't feel like she has to go out. I mean, she doesn't have to anyway because of her rank and her position, but she doesn't have to overdo it.
    - Claire Foy
  • I think, Queen Victoria's diaries, I think you can get them if you go to the British Library.
    - Claire Foy
  • In the first two episodes, before she becomes Queen, I could be a lot freer with my emotions, but as the series goes on, she develops an armour in order to cope with her circumstances. She has to be a sphinx, which must be so hard. Imagine never being able to shout, 'Shut up,' or cry, even in front of your own family.
    - Claire Foy
  • As an Englishwoman, you pick up a lot through osmosis. I've been watching the Queen all my life. But, yes, I did watch news footage and was able to pick a couple of little tics. For instance, she plays with her hands a lot and has a certain way of holding them on her lap when she's in public.
    - Claire Foy