Best quotes by Steve Buyer on America

Checkout quotes by Steve Buyer on America

  • America's veterans embody the ideals upon which America was founded more than 229 years ago.
    - Steve Buyer
  • It is my sincere hope that hospitals across Indiana, and America, continue to strive for excellence when it comes to providing medical care. This proposed rule will be harmful to communities who wish to upgrade their medical facilities.
    - Steve Buyer
  • More than 48 million men and women have served America well and faithfully in military uniform.
    - Steve Buyer
  • Since the Revolution, eight generations of America's veterans have established an unbroken commitment to freedom.
    - Steve Buyer
  • The young patriots now returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other deployments worldwide are joining the ranks of veterans to whom America owes an immense debt of gratitude.
    - Steve Buyer