Best quotes by Jon Meacham on American

Checkout quotes by Jon Meacham on American

  • Justified or not, the Supreme Court has a kind of sacred status in American life. For whatever reason, Presidents can safely run against Congress, and vice versa, but I think there is an inherent popular aversion to assaults on the court itself. Perhaps it has to do with an instinctive belief that life needs umpires.
    - Jon Meacham
  • The power of the American system of republicanism lies in its capacity to allow religious belief to be a competing, not a controlling, factor in American life.
    - Jon Meacham
  • Whoever rises to deliver the inaugural Address of 2013 will speak to a nation in which the American Dream is under profound economic and cultural pressure. This is perhaps best measured by the state of the middle class.
    - Jon Meacham
  • One wonders whether the Obama re-election campaign may be on the right track as it seeks to apply the you-break-it-you-own-it rule to Bush and the American economy. Hardly a day goes by without President Obama or his surrogates arguing that it takes longer than four years to recover from an economic crisis so long in the making.
    - Jon Meacham
  • The American system of political spending is so unregulated that it might make Adam Smith rethink free markets.
    - Jon Meacham