Best quotes by Adam Granduciel on Song

Checkout quotes by Adam Granduciel on Song

  • When you make a record, you get to live in an imaginary world where you have the best kind of band on every song.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • Everyone hears a song a different way and hears timing a different way.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I've seen people who like a certain song write on their Instagram what they think the lyrics are - which they aren't. I'm like, 'Oh, that's interesting - you can create your own adventure with some of these songs.' Which is really cool.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I don't know what the sound is or the song is until I've spent a lot of time on it. I'm always chipping away at it, rethinking it.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I usually know the general emotion of a song, or the general feeling of it, and then I think I just get so excited by the act of recording. I love that process so much that I feel like if I knew exactly what I wanted I'd arrive at something too soon.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I don't like drums dictating the song; like when you hear a fill and then you know the chorus is coming up.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I would spend about eight months on a song, leaving it alone and going back to it later on. I just kept layering things on, building them up in to epic songs. I let the songs evolve - it's really daunting.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • I think where a lot of the stuff came from is that it started as something else and then it was transformed into something that worked in the context of a song that I might have been working on.
    - Adam Granduciel
  • If I improvise vocals at an early stage of the song, I just kind of listen to the roll, and then I kind of have a little vocal hook.
    - Adam Granduciel