Best quotes by Moshe Katsav on World

Checkout quotes by Moshe Katsav on World

  • Aggressive and irresponsible steps endanger the peace and stability of the world, and the international community feels the need to protect itself from Iran.
    - Moshe Katsav
  • The Iranian regime gives financial support to terrorist organizations all over the world, denies the Holocaust, and calls for the wiping the state of Israel from the map, while developing long-range missiles and trying to obtain nuclear weapon.
    - Moshe Katsav
  • The standards of the international community manifest firmness. Iran has no need for long-range missiles or to collaborate with terrorist organizations all over the world.
    - Moshe Katsav
  • I don't think that Iran with a nuclear capability will be just the problem of the state of Israel. This is a matter that concerns the whole world.
    - Moshe Katsav
  • Fundamentalist governments and organizations endanger stability in the world.
    - Moshe Katsav
  • Apparently Iran thinks that it can continue to deceive the world in order to reach its goals.
    - Moshe Katsav