Best quotes by Ashley Cole on Me

Checkout quotes by Ashley Cole on Me

  • When I first came to Chelsea, I couldn't kick the ball, and it was pointless, me playing, really. But I tried to play through the pain for the manager who bought me.
    - Ashley Cole
  • I want to continue to win things, hopefully something with England, and if I can score the winning goal at the World Cup, then maybe they will like me again.
    - Ashley Cole
  • For me, above everything else, I want to win another title.
    - Ashley Cole
  • Judge me on how I play football, or judge me on when you meet me.
    - Ashley Cole
  • When you've got certain people like Jay-Z wanting to work with me, then it makes you think people do love me.
    - Ashley Cole
  • I'm not a goalscorer. It's not my job. Everyone always tells me I've never scored. I don't think I've had a shot.
    - Ashley Cole
  • I can picture it now, where I grew and me playing in the cage where I used to play. To see what I've achieved and where I've been, the countries I've seen, tournaments I've played in, players I've played against, it's incredible.
    - Ashley Cole
  • Of course it would be nice to go to another Champions League final and hopefully win it again one day, but for me, the Premier League is the best trophy to have.
    - Ashley Cole
  • I've got the chance to make history, and that means such a lot to me.
    - Ashley Cole