Best quotes by Joe Gebbia on New

Checkout quotes by Joe Gebbia on New

  • Scheduled shipping is one of many inventions that has made New York a global capital of innovation and creativity - from Willis Carrier's invention of air conditioning in Buffalo and George Eastman's breakthrough film technology in Rochester to the rise of hip-hop in the South Bronx and the world's first cell phone call in Midtown Manhattan.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • We encourage employees to ship new features on day one, which immediately encourages them to come up with something creative and different.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • We have seen things in the twentieth century like the ATM machine, the VCR, and even the car. The electric car was invented in 1920, and here we, 100 years later, it is only now becoming an actual thing. So it doesn't surprise me that new ideas are met with a lot of questions.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • As with any new and innovative industry, entrenched interests - particularly the hotel industry - have attempted to squash the home-sharing movement.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • In New York, ingenuity goes hand-in-hand with the hustle to survive.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • We started Airbnb because, like many across the U.S. and in New York, we were struggling to pay our rent and decided to open up our living room to fellow artists coming to town for a design conference. Sharing our apartment allowed us to stay in our home and start our company.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • Any time there is a new idea, it can take some time for policy to catch up to it.
    - Joe Gebbia
  • We didn't invent anything new. Hospitality has been around forever.
    - Joe Gebbia