Best quotes by Ty Dolla Sign on People

Checkout quotes by Ty Dolla Sign on People

  • I care about people, and I've learned in life that the only thing we are here for is to learn and teach.
    - Ty Dolla Sign
  • For those of you that don't know, the reason I named my album 'Free TC' is because my lil' brother is named TC. He's locked up for something that he didn't do, and what I'm trying to do is just raise awareness around the whole mass incarceration thing going on in our country, especially with our people.
    - Ty Dolla Sign
  • I feel like on 'Free TC,' you know, I feel like I went hard, and not enough people recognized.
    - Ty Dolla Sign
  • I write other people songs. Recirculate it. It's the music business.
    - Ty Dolla Sign
  • The mass incarceration going on in this country and with my people is crazy.
    - Ty Dolla Sign
  • We'll get way further if we educate people and not lock them up.
    - Ty Dolla Sign