Best quotes by Lee Unkrich on Movies

Checkout quotes by Lee Unkrich on Movies

  • I grew up loving watching movies, and at a certain point, I started to become fascinated with making movies. Then I went to film school, and I got to dabble with different aspects of moviemaking, and I ended up settling heavily into editing - editing was what I was really adept at, had a passion for.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • Live action movies are someone else's story. With animation, audiences can't think that. Their guards are down.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • I love movies that are funny and scary and truly emotional all in one film, and I don't feel like I see movies like that a lot.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • I saw a lot of movies that I probably shouldn't have seen. I saw 'Dog Day Afternoon' when I was in first grade - that kind of thing.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • We go to movies to be taken away to another place, to be dazzled, to dream, to hopefully be filled with wonder. The design of the world and the look of the film is all in service of trying to create that feeling of wonder in the audience.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • I don't like 3D movies that have things popping out of the screen. Firstly, I find it straining on my eyes, and more importantly, it distracts me from the movie.
    - Lee Unkrich
  • If you ask any of us which movie we were making when one of our kids was born, we'll be able to tell you instantly. It's like our family lives are permanently woven into the movies.
    - Lee Unkrich