Best quotes by Nicole Maines on People

Checkout quotes by Nicole Maines on People

  • Cisgender actors don't take trans roles out of malice. I think it's just failure to realize the context behind having cisgender people play transgender characters because we don't see the same issue with sexuality.
    - Nicole Maines
  • I think kids need to watch 'Supergirl' for Nia, because there are more and more trans people coming out younger and younger.
    - Nicole Maines
  • When we have trans actors play trans characters, people can look onscreen and say, 'OK, this is what trans is.'
    - Nicole Maines
  • Having trans people play trans roles show that we are valid in our identities, and we exist.
    - Nicole Maines
  • With trans folks, we have a lot of people accusing us of just playing dress up for whatever reasons, and that's just not true.
    - Nicole Maines
  • There are infinite combinations that people can experience, because no two people are alike, and no two people's identities should be expected to be alike. I mean, we see it in fashion: one size does not fit all. And I think it's, you know, completely ridiculous that we've expected people's identities to be one size fits all.
    - Nicole Maines
  • This entire issue of transgender people posing a kind of threat to cisgender women in bathrooms is made up. We are just like everybody else - we go into the bathroom, we keep our heads down, we don't look at anybody.
    - Nicole Maines
  • I think, for all trans people, it's not our only defining feature, but it is a defining feature.
    - Nicole Maines
  • More than anything, I want fans to take away an understanding of trans people that we can be anybody.
    - Nicole Maines