Best quotes by Scott Snyder on Me

Checkout quotes by Scott Snyder on Me

  • I remember when I was in school I had this teacher give me this E.L. Doctorow quote: They asked him how much historical research he does for his books and he said, 'As little as possible.' So I try and adhere to that.
    - Scott Snyder
  • I love everybody in Gotham. Gotham suits me really well. I'll write anything from 'Nightwing' to 'Batgirl' and any of the villains.
    - Scott Snyder
  • The thing that really interests me is characters facing challenges that are emblematic of the things they are most frightened of about themselves.
    - Scott Snyder
  • People at Marvel and DC, we're rooting for each other. And when we're friends, like me and Jeff Lemire, or Charles Soule, or even Dan Slott - it doesn't matter if you're Marvel or DC. You'll talk story with each other, and there's like an agreement that you're just helping each other out.
    - Scott Snyder
  • I'm a difficult person, sometimes, to work with because I'm so intense about this stuff sometimes, and I get focused in ways that I think can be overwhelming for me and also the people I work with, where I'll get so about every little bug in the thing, every little line.
    - Scott Snyder
  • With books like 'AD: After Death' and 'Wytches,' a lot of those things are inspired by reading things that terrify me.
    - Scott Snyder
  • The secret to 'Year One' is that it's a Jim Gordon story. It's a great Bruce Wayne story, don't get me wrong, but Jim Gordon is the focus of that book. To me, that's the stronger emotional arc. It's not that the Bruce Wayne stuff isn't masterful, because it is, but it's Jim's book.
    - Scott Snyder
  • I don't know if this is the same for everybody, but for me, sometimes I get depressed, where I wake up and I can feel a change. Something went wrong, and it's almost like you feel tingly in a way where you know something is off, and from that point forward, this anxiety kicks in where you just worry and worry... this cyclical, terrible nature.
    - Scott Snyder